A special service of appreciation was given by the Congregational church of Danby, this morning at 10:45, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. William A. McIntire. The service was conducted by Rev. Walter Thorpe of Rutland. A large congregation had gathered on the lawn of the church where the service was held. The occasion was surprise to the pastor and expressed in part something of the respect, admiration and love for the service of the past and present years.
Two duets were sung by Mrs. Louise Rabner and Mrs. Cecil McIntyre. An original poem written by Mrs. Jessie Nichols and read by Mr. Wilbur Griffith followed by one to honor Mrs. McIntire as “The Silent Partner,” read by Mrs. Vollie Griffith.
Mr. Thorpe’s Address.
In the address by Mr. Thorpe, he said in part: “One of the finest tributes ever spoken is found in the words of Jesus in commending a poor woman. ‘She hath done what she could,’ while in another part of the good book we read—’It is required of a man that he be found faithful.’ Fidelity is necessary in the ministry. It was the great desire of those nearest to the master. One of the earliest pictures of English literature is the good minister of Chaucer, who not only taught doctrine, but also showed the way himself.
“This has ever been an ideal of the ministers of the Word. Throughout the Christian era there have been those who because of purity of purpose and unselfishness of life, have truly ministered. The ideal was found in many a Scotch home in which the parents felt a distinctive pride in this chosen vocation. This was also true in the early life of New England. In the history of Vermont, much can be found which indicates the influence of the minister.
“Today the same truth holds. A man cannot render to a community long years of service without feeling that there is worth in it. The degree to which he gives himself is suggestive of the satisfaction that he gets out of the spirit of the service.
Mrs. McIntire a Physician.
“The speaker than called attention to the combined service of the pastor and his wife, the latter a graduate physician, ministering as freely and gladly to the physical needs as well as to the spiritual needs of the community. Mr. Thorpe bore personal testimony to the value of friendship and stated that in the 25 years of close association, under all sorts of circumstances, he had found an inspiration and strength in the consideration, the kindliness, the manliness of such a friend. He had never found him otherwise than a gentle man and a true minister.